Science Department energised by the new equipment provided by P&C

It was wonderful to hear this week that the new Science equipment that was requested via our Shark Tank submission process has arrived safely and the boys are already working with some of the units. A huge thanks to Mr Katz, Mr Ford and Ms Jamieson for pitching and co-ordinating all of this and its brilliant to learn the company who provided all this is also willing to provide Professional development for the teachers to ensure all the items and software are put to the best possible use for the boys’ learning outcomes.

Boys who study both Physics or Chemistry, across years 8-12 will benefit from the arrival of the Spectrometer, Planck’s Constant kits, UV torches, PH Sensors, Conductivity meters, Geiger Counter, Cloud Chamber, Particle accelerator, Super conductor, Tuning forks, polarising filters, Light gate system and a digital Tachometer. These items were funded in total by the P&C who supported the Science department with $9,900 to cover the purchase.

As we can see from the photos our Year 12 Physics Students are already putting some of the equipment to good use!


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