Welcome to Bally Boys
Welcome to the Bally community!
Bally is a great school with dedicated staff who really care about our boys. They listen to them and they work to develop educational and vocational pathways that bring out the best in every individual.
The Bally Boys P&C prides itself on having a great relationship with our school and we play a valuable role in bridging the gap between the school and the parent community.
As parents, we all want to help the school guide our sons on their way to becoming young men we can all be proud of. High school is different from primary school. Bally students are encouraged to be more independent, to self-manage and to take responsibility. There’s often less day-to-day contact for parents, so to help you stay connected, the P&C has made a To Do list.
1. Come along to a P&C Meeting
Held on the 2nd Tuesday of every month during school terms, there are 8 meetings a year. Meetings last about 2 hours and are usually held in the staff common room. Come in through the school office and head to the back of the building. We are a friendly bunch!
Upcoming P&C General Meetings
Term three
Tuesday August 13th
Tuesday September 10th
Term four
Tuesday November 12th
Tuesday December 10th
There are a number of ways you can help the P&C. To keep up-to-date and play an active role in decisions, you should join. It only costs $5.
2. Fill in our class contact information form
To keep you informed, we need your contact details. Please take a moment to introduce yourself and Complete the Form Now. How involved do you want to be? Do you have any knowledge, skills or expertise that might be useful to the P&C or the school? Let us know and we’ll be in touch.
3. Follow us on Facebook
Like us on the school’s Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/balgowlahboys and the P&C’s Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/ballyboyspandc.
4. Read the newsletter
Emailed to you two or three times per term, the school’s newsletter highlights the many achievements of the boys and keeps you up-to-date about future plans and events.
5. Update your contact details
The school will notify you by email, text and on Sentral. Keep your email address and mobile phone number up-to-date with the front office. Here are the school’s contact details:
Phone: 02 9949 4200
Email: nbscbalgb-h.school@det.nsw.edu.au
Web: nbscbalgb-h.schools.nsw.gov.au
6. Support the school canteen
The P&C runs the canteen, which is a valuable source of income for us. Please support the canteen whenever you can. The food is great! More information and how to volunteer for the canteen can be found on our Canteen Page. Your son’s Flexischools card will be arranged by the 2nd term. Until then he can use cash or eftpos.
7. Participate
Encourage your son to join the various sporting teams, bands and lunch clubs on offer. Play chess. Join the SRC. Do Drama. Year 7 is a great time to explore and try out all the different opportunities at the school.
8. Volunteer
We’re always looking for volunteers. Please take a moment to complete the Year 7 Contact Information form and let us know what skills you have and how involved you want to be… or not. (We understand that not everyone can get involved.)
Big Thanks
We hope this assists you with settling in at Bally. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please Contact Us