Volunteers needed for the School Upgrade Subcommittee

At the Special P&C meeting earlier this week, we agreed that we need a new Subcommittee.

But let’s start with a bit of background first.

Last year, the government announced that between $40m and $60m had been secured for the upgrade of Bally Boys. Following the change in government earlier this year, that funding was reallocated. There is currently no indication if and when Bally will ever get the vital upgrade it needs.

We invited James Griffin to our Special P&C meeting this week, specifically to discuss how we could get this funding back as soon as possible.

James explained the process of securing funding, what he’s done so far, what he plans to do and perhaps most importantly, what we can do.

It became clear that our best chance of securing the budget for the school is to start a coordinated grassroots campaign. This requires a small group of people to lead that campaign. If you can spare some time to help the school, please volunteer. We particularly want people with any of the following experiences:

  • Political Campaigns

  • Marketing Campaigns

  • PR

  • Legal

  • Experience of State Government

  • Fundraising

If you can help out in any way, please fill in the form below


The Results of the Community Survey are in...


Say thank you! Buy a staff member a drink this Christmas!