Thank you - Election BBQ & cake stall

Thanks to the amazing Bally community for its support of the Election BBQ and cake stall.  There were a few hurdles to overcome - it's been a while since Bally has hosted one of these events so we weren't sure how it would go or even how many sausages to order.  Who knew that the enormous bags with the shade shelters didn't include the shade cloth?  Space was a little constrained given the works on the adjacent basketball court and had to be shared with some enthusiastic how to vote volunteers and numbers at the polling booth were down on prior years due to pre-polling.  Despite all of this, the Bally community responded overwhelming with donations of delicious baked goods and offers to volunteer - we had to turn some volunteers away in the end.


Thanks to all those who contributed (or tried to), to Coles at Stockland Balgowlah for the donation of a gift voucher to assist with costs, the schools GAs, Anna in the office, Mr Theodore, the Bally canteen and the boys who carried equipment.  Approximately $1,700 was raised due to the combined efforts of all involved.


BALLY NOW - Wednesday July 20


Bally Mackellar Jazz Night a Huge Success!